
Enjoy the relief from technical stuff...

I am a great fan of cooking and have mastered several dishes including twice-cooked pork, Red-braised pork, French-style cream stewed chicken, and Sweet and sour pork. Although I mentioned a lot of pork, the ingredients I like the most are actually mushrooms and chicken! No matter how to cook them. the result would be good. Let’s enjoy some delicious pics!

Besides cooking, I love reading books. Not novels, but thoughts. People say reading books is like talking with past sages, and I talk to those who want to talk to me directly. I have dabbled in history, philosophy, law, and investments. I am particularly interested in Eastern philosophy. One interesting question that sends me thinking comes from a preface. A question was raised in the introduction of A Short History of Chinese Philosophy: is this a history book of Chinese Philosophy? or is it a book of philosophical history in China? All attempts to answer it come down to a true or false question: Is there Philosophy in China? It is very interesting to think about this, and what’s more interesting to think about is: Is Philosophy the only kind of philosophy?

What do you think? Which side do you stand on? Or are there any questions that provoke your thoughts? Or do you have any personal reflections?

Some Reflections on Tao Tao is characterized by its opposition and faintness. It is defined as this elusive object before any existence and is where everything came within. It is so strong as being the world generator, yet it is so weak as being completely imperceptible. Faintness is Tao's grand love. It is so great that it does not love anyone. This may seem strange, but if it love somebody, then that is a subset of the entirety meaning its complement will be excluded. Can you claim as big a selective love? It is faint so everything can grow under it without perception. It is neither a visible hand nor an invisible hand. It give us birth without claiming ownership, it support us living without possessing arrograncy, it grow us in maturity without dominating our fates. In this way, he acts all the time without being noticed. Opposition of Tao, however, is strong. Everything ges to the extreme will return. It is like a gravitational field that attracts everything back to normal. The love, hate, happy, sad, excitment, bored, anger, horror that we have, no matter how strong they are, will subside. When stock price shoots to sky, it will drop. and when financial crisis hits, it will recover. Thousands years ago, China was the among the strongest country worldwide, but time would come for it to be too weak to defend itself. Back in the victorian era, sun never set on Great Britain's land, but night will inevitably fall. It is thus in our control to follow the rythme of the nature, and behave accordingly.